The Montessori method it was devised by the educator and doctor María Montessori, who gave it her own name. It is an educational model based on science that seeks activities that are directed by the child and the teacher is an observer, to adapt the environment to learning and development needs. In this way, the potential of each child can be explored, so that they can discover and progress in their interests.
This pedagogy that guides the educational action at Moonlight International School encompasses two fundamental aspects:
- A respectful philosophy, based on the study that, for decades, Dr. Montessori carried out, on how children are, how they learn and how adults should treat them, so as not to hinder their development and allow them to become full and independent adults.
- A educational method based on the freedom of the child to choose the material with which you want to work, within a prepared, stimulating environment rich in materials and opportunities, in order to satisfy the intellectual needs of the child.